Nuestra Filosofía

Nuestro Jardín Academy is guided by these core set of beliefs.

  • The child is a strong, intelligent, and creative individual with unique qualities.
  • Children are able to construct their own learning, driven by their own interests.
  • Through interactions with others, children form an understanding of themselves, the world, and their place in it.
  • Learning (and second language learning) happens when children form warm relationships with teachers, peers, and their environment through interactions with materials, books, music, games, movement, and ideas.
  • A rich learning environment is formed in collaboration with children, families, teachers, and the school community.
  • A culturally diverse and inclusive environment that respects the unique qualities and beliefs of children, families, and teachers are essential in helping children develop confidence, acceptance, and lifelong habits of the mind

"Our son had an fantastic time during his three-week long summer camp experience. He was engaged, eager to learn (and learned quite a bit!), and created amazing art and craft projects. After his first week he asked that we cancel other camps so he could return to Nuestro Jardin - rarely has he felt this way about a learning experience. Thanks for creating such a wonderful, creative learning environment!"

Elizabeth Nardi

The Immersion Model

At Nuestro Jardín, children are immersed in Spanish about 90% of the day. Our communicative approach encourages children to be speaking social Spanish from the very first day of school. In addition, the use of our environment (the 3rd teacher) and how children interact with materials, books, teachers, and peers foster Spanish acquisition and learning. Spanish is learned through music, games, movement, and with the exchange of children's ideas.


Our approach to early childhood education follows the Reggio Emilia philosophy with an emergent curriculum. We value the child as strong, resilient, and capable – rich with wonder and knowledge. Each child brings to the classroom deep curiosity and potential, and this curiosity drives their interest to understand the world and their place within it. Our themes and lessons emerge from the questions from our students and their specific needs. At Nuestro Jardín, we create environments that inspire creative thinking and invention.

Función del Maestro

Children deserve a loving and secure environment, one that promotes a sense of wonder and discovery in learning, one that inspires them.

Our role as teachers is to mentor and guide them, to observe and listen to their questions, stories, and ideas, to find what interests them and then provide opportunities for exploration and further investigation.

Fomentando laConciencia Cultural

En Nuestro Jardín, creemos en la importancia de fomentar la conciencia cultural en los niños, de enseñar el concepto de diversidad y de crear ciudadanos globales responsables. Ayudamos a lo niños a entender, aceptar y respetar las diferencias y similitudes entre todos en nuestra comunidad.

También ayudamos a los niños a entender quiénes son en el contexto de su raza, grupo étnico, cultura, procedencia y ascendencia. Mediante el teatro y actividades de representación, los estudiantes pueden expresarse a sí mismos, entender su medio ambiente y ganar confianza en cuanto a su capacidad como individuo y su concepto de autoestima.

Nos enorgullecemos de nuestra comunidad diversa y animamos a nuestras familias a compartir sus culturas y tradiciones en el salón de clases.

Horario Diario

3 year olds
assembly, studio, explore, snack
outside play
nap / quiet time / early dismissal (12:30)
clean-up, snack
outside play
finish lunch, explore, crafts / dance / music, performing arts
clean up, get ready to be picked up
4-5 year olds
assembly, studio, explore, snack
studio, explore, reflection
outside play
lunch / early dismissal
story time
quiet time / explore, crafts / dance / music
clean-up, performing arts, snack
outside play
finish lunch
clean up, get ready to be picked up
Nosotros proporcionamos dos meriendas naturales u orgánicos diariamente.
Cada niño trae almuerzo de su casa. Animamos a los padres a prepararles a sus hijos un almuerzo saludable que cumpla con sus necesidades dietéticas.